Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Hair Keshyam Oil 100 ml

Price : $6.90 /100 ml
100 100 ml Available
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Keshyam Oil is an ideal herbal hair oil that supports both follicle stimulation and hair growth. The herbal combination increases the number of hair follicles and decreases the time taken for initiation and completion of hair growth. The anti-oxidants in the formula help in controlling premature greying of hair. The alkaloid in Brahmi enhances protein kinase activity and the tannins, vitamin C, minerals in amla provides nutrition, conditioning, darkening of hair.


• Svetakutaja - Wrightia tinctoria leaf

• Kaidarya - Murraya koenigii leaf

• Bhringaraja - Eclipta alba whole plant

• Guduchi - Tinospora cordifolia stem

• Amalaki - Emblica officinal is dried fruit

• Nimba - Azadirachta indica leaf

• Brahmi - Bacopa monnieri whole plant

• Yasti - Glycyrrhiza glabra root

• Kerataila - Cocos nucifera oil

• Karpura - Cinnamomum camphora

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- Ayurvédiquement vôtre.

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