Price : $14.50 /250ML
100 250ML Available
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Camellia Oil Smoothening Shampoo

Get salon-like smoothening from selected herbal ingredients that soften hair to reduce frizz, prevent flyaways, and create a smooth surface on hair. The carefully selected botanical extracts used in the formula work together to enhance the overall health of your hair and scalp, apart from smoothening it. 


How to use :

Wet and moisten hair thoroughly.
Squeeze out an amount of the product as per your hair length.
Rub your hands together to create a lather and massage on the entire scalp.
Rinse thoroughly and follow up with a conditioner.

Key ingredients :

Camellia Flower Extract

Camellia flower is a multi-tasking hair stylist and nurturer. It softens and moisturises hair, restores hair's natural sheen, protects it from pollutants, repairs breakage and split ends, eases dry scalp and itchiness, prevents dandruff, and treats damage from perms and coloring.

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract strengthens hair follicles, promotes shinier, thicker, and smoother hair, soothes dry scalp, and treats dandruff.

Parsley Leaf Extract

Parsley leaf works to stop hair loss, treat dandruff, boost hair growth, and protect the natural hair colour.


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- Ayurvédiquement vôtre.

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