Price : $4.20 /120ML
100 120ML Available
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Grape Fairness Face Wash

Dullness, blemishes, fine lines, and dark spots don’t stand a chance in front of the Clarifying Grape Face Wash. Cleanse and revive your skin with the multi-vitamin boost in this face wash and get visibly bright and glowing skin. 


How to use :

Moisten your face with a splash of water.
Squeeze out a small coin-sized amount of the product on your palm.
Rub your hands together and massage gently on your face and neck.
Rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Follow it up with a toner and our Fairness Lotion. 
Use twice a day for best results.

Key ingredients :

Grapeseed Extract

Grapeseed, containing Vitamin E, works to reduce blemishes and pigmentation, giving your skin an even tone.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera reduces red spots and blemishes, making the skin appear brighter and lighter.

Orange Peel Extract

Orange Peel comes with Vitamin C that forms collagen, making your skin look youthful and bright.


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- Ayurvédiquement vôtre.

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